The incumbent elected government in Delhi resumed power in 2015 with a conclusive mandate from the electorate. However, three years after being in office, it is still mired in complex and at times...
The history of the queer movement in India has been a history of continuous contestation, redefinition, and re-evaluation, all leading to the altar of the nation’s apex court. Today marks the...
“There is a tide in the affairs of men (sic), which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now...
J. Vineet Saran, J. K.M. Joseph and J. Indira Banerjee were administered oath on 7th August 2018. This set of appointments has been in news for a variety of reasons including the alleged role of the...
I recently wrote 3 guest posts for the Indian Constitutional Law and Philosophy blog reflecting on the legal journey of section 377, culminating in the just-concluded hearings in the Supreme Court. ...
HLS Library Book Talk | Supreme Court of India: The Beginnings I’m coming at this obliquely, firstly, because I’m a scholar of the colonial period of India’s legal history. And so where I end, George...
The Karnataka assembly polls resulted in a fractured mandate with no single party able to secure a majority in the house of 224 seats. While the BJP which emerged as the single largest party fell...
The Supreme Court’s [‘SC’] decision in Lok Prahari v. Union of India marks an important addition to electoral reform jurisprudence in India. In this case, the Court issued directions for the...
The book “Supreme Court of India – The Beginnings” is a study of the role of the Federal Court in India, which was the precursor to the Supreme Court, and the initial years of the Supreme Court. The...
In a historic decision, the Supreme Court on Friday declared passive euthanasia and the right of persons, including the terminally ill, to give advance directives to refuse medical treatment legally...