Mayur Suresh and Siddharth Narrain have produced a fantastic volume on taking stock of the last two decades of the Supreme Court of India. Titled, The Shifting Scales of Justice: The Indian Supreme Court in Neoliberal India , the volume includes essays by Aditya Nigam, Usha Ramanathan, Nivedita Menon, Varun Gauri, Sudhir Krishnaswamy, Madhav Khosla, Arun Thiruvengadam, Phillipe Cullet and Ujjwal Kumar Singh. The blog will carry a more detailed discussion on the volume soon. Stay posted.
Blurb: This blog discusses the inadequacy of the current refugee law framework in addressing the pressing issue of climate refugees. It subsequently discusses the imminent need to develop regional...
Blurb: This blog discusses the inadequacy of the current refugee law framework in addressing the pressing issue of climate refugees. It subsequently discusses the imminent need to develop regional...
Blurb: The Essential Religious Practices (ERP) Test is scheduled to be reviewed by the Supreme Court of India. This piece highlights the inadequacies of the ERP Doctrine, and argues for a change...
Blurb: The article advocates extending euthanasia to non-terminally ill patients, emphasizing autonomy and dignity under Article 21. Critiquing current laws, it highlights ethical dilemmas and...
In this piece, the author revisits the legacy of Bhulabhai Desai and his masterful defense at the Indian National Army Trials of 1945, exploring how Bhulabhai’s arguments not only reframed the INA’s...
The blog analyses the Mineral Area Development Authority decision, specifically analysing the question of when states can start taxing mining entities, along with an analysis of the doctrine of...