Summary of the Babri Masjid -Ram Janm Bhoomi Decision

My summary of all the opinions in the Babri Masjid decision can be found here. The judgment poses a fascinating array of questions. There has already been strident criticism as well as cautious praise for the decision, much of which has been noted on this blog in the past few days. This note attempts to give a broad overview of the facts of the case as presented to the Court, the issues raised by the parties and the Court’s decision thereon. At this stage, the note does not contain any analysis or critique; merely a summary of the voluminous decision.
Please note: I prepared this summary as part of my Research Assistantship with Prof. Ratna Kapur, who is a Visiting Professor at Yale Law School this Fall. I have her permission to post the note online.
Written by
Aparna Chandra
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Shamnad Basheer
Shamnad Basheer
14 years ago

wonderful Aparna! Thanks so much for making it easier to get a sense of this tryingly long judgment..i managed to read 2000 pages of it and then gave up!

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