Secularism: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

That was the subject of discussion held at the Indian Law Institute on Nov.27 to celebrate the Law Day on Nov.26 and to mark the launching of a movement, Constitutional Cause. The new forum aims to fill a void, by disseminating ideals and values of our Constitution. The speakers included Justice Altamas Kabir of the Supreme Court, Justice Madan B.Lokur of Delhi High Court, Dr.R.K.Nayak, Member of Rajya Sabha, Union Minister for Labour, Oscar Fernandes, ILI Director, Dr.Chandrasekaran Pillai and Dr.M.P.Raju, advocate and the President of the CC. As one speaker said: “Constitution is a moral document, while judgments are value statements. All battles don’t reach the Supreme Court. They are decided in the streets.” Other Speakers said Indian secularism is only a facet of the right to equality. As an elastic principle, it cannot be stretched to a breaking point, they cautioned.

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