Report on the Impact of the Naz Foundation Judgment

The Centre for Health Law, Ethics and Technology, headed by Dipika Jain, at Jindal Global Law School has a new report out on the Impact of the Naz Foundation Judgment. Through a set of interviews it examines the impact of the 2009 Delhi High Court’s judgment reading down article 377. It finds that after the judgment members of the LGBT community perceive greater self-acceptance and confidence, reduced police harassment, and increased societal acceptance. Perceptions were more mixed when it came to how, if at all, the judgment affected acceptance by respondents’ families. The report has been filed as part of the Naz Foundation appeal, which is currently being heard in the Supreme Court.

It is great to see more empirical work being done on the impact of judgments. Although this study does not take in a large sample set, it’s more qualitative results are quite telling, and I think particularly useful when wanting to show more concretely how the Naz case has affected people’s lives.

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Nick Robinson
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13 years ago

Great article, adds to my Phoenix court reporting knowledge. Great job! Liked it.

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