Report on first day of hearing in the Naz petition

The Lawyers’ Collective report on the first day of hearing in the challenge to s. 377 is available on their website, which promises to provide daily updates of the hearing. Arvind Narrain criticises the continued existence of s. 377 in an article in the Indian Express today, and contrasts it with the recent election of an openly gay man to Nepal’s constituent assembly.

I find the contradictory government stand most interesting – ‘Counsel for the Union of India submitted that her client had filed two affidavits, one by the National Aids Control Organization (NACO) under the Ministry of Health and the other by the Ministry of Home Affairs. She admitted that NACO’s reply is supportive of the Petitioner.’

Update – The matter is adjourned as part-heard till 2nd July 2008 (after the summer vacation).

Written by
Tarunabh Khaitan
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ravi srinivas
ravi srinivas
16 years ago

Tamilnadu govt. has taken some pioneering steps regarding transgenders. These measures
will go a long way in removing
the stigma and will help in their
empowerment. Unfortunately the
minister who took much interest
in this,Dr.Poonkothai is no
longer a minister. The TN govt.
deserves support and praise for
the steps it has taken.

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