Renewing focus on protection of whistle-blowers in India

An editorial in the current issue of the EPW seeks to highlight the importance of a Bill that aims at protecting whistle-blowers in India. It recalls the high-profile cases of S. Manjunath and Satyendra Dubey, and provides details of the bill, while reiterating the need to push for enactment of a law on the issue. In making its case for such a law, the editorial argues:

“[A]s the fate of whistle-blowers round the world shows, instead of the offender it is the complainant who is threatened andvictimised. The Dubey and Manjunath cases took on an urgency because they were killed and alumni from elite educational institutions kept the issues alive with the help of the media. There are other whistle-blowers who do not lack in courage, but are worn down by the humiliating harassment that the corporate powers and public corporations can mete out to their employees. It is such employees who need the protection of the law.”

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