Raajneeti: cartoon or mirror?

For those of you who endured the three-hour-plus gore fest that is ‘Raajneeti’, there are deeper insights than the film’s hackneyed ending allows for. In this opinion piece in today’s The Indian Express I argue that the film holds a mirror to our political culture today. Besides, its portrayal of an explicitely Dalit anti-hero is rare for Bollywood. The piece ran as a counter to this one by Express film writer Shubhra Gupta, who argues that the film caricatures politics, and doesn’t compare to the really good political films that have come out of Bollywood. The piece is also the last one I have written as an employee of The Express. I hope to be able to now devote a lot more time to this blog.

Written by
Vinay Sitapati
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14 years ago

Oh No, Vinay. I will miss your byline. Alok

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