PRS Launches Laws of India

PRS Legislative Services just launched a beta version of their Laws of India website. Currently, it has laws from 10 states on it and they hope to add more soon. As anyone who has tried to do state level legislative research knows the main legal search engines generally only include major state legislation (if that). This is an attempt to fill this gap at the state level.

Increasing focus has been put on making the activities of Parliament more transparent and accessible (PRS being a great example of this trend). The same efforts at the state level have been more spotty. Hopefully, this is a sign that more attention will be paid to the activities of state legislative assemblies. Certainly, getting their laws online is a vital and very welcome first step.

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Nick Robinson
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15 years ago

Can anyone confirm whether all the laws listed at the website are still operative.An alternate painful option is to look at the laws in reverse chronological order to see if any new law has repealed an old one.
An award on best (and maybe worst) state legislature of India might help in getting some attention to the need of having simple,minimal and effective Rules and regulations.
This website is a great initiative.

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