Former Attorney General, Soli Sorabjee has chosen the PIL route to seek urgent measures to improve our counter-terrorism capabilities. (This report says he is probably the first former law officer to do so). As the Chairman of the Home Ministry-constituted Expert Committee to draft a new Police Act, he submitted a report to the Government recommending a new Bill, which is gathering dust. More than being the Mumbaikar, I think it is this official indifference that has forced him to file the PIL. His writ petition can be read here. In his latest column, he advocates surgical precision strikes against terror camps. His writ petition is fortunately silent on this.

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16 years ago

Its funny how hypocritical people can get. A few months ago, I remember Soli Sorabjee giving a lecture on judicial activism and criticising the decision in Vineet Narain v. Union of India.

Now it seems that he wants to use that judgement to his advantage and ask the court to interfere in matters of implementation of policy and security agencies.
This PIL seems ridiculous for one who thinks that the judiciary is blatantly over stepping its limits and I wouldn’t have expected Soli to be a part of it.

L. Venkata Subramaniam
L. Venkata Subramaniam
16 years ago

I just dont understand the law aspect of fighting terrorism. Do we need tougher laws, dont we need them? I feel if we use technology smartly then we can collect enough evidence, in which case existing laws should be enough to nail terrorists.

Renu Gupta
Renu Gupta
16 years ago

There has been another PIL filed on this issue. News report of the same is available at:


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