Judicial Reasoning and Judicial Behavior: Studying the Supreme Court of India Colloquium hosted by Center for Public Law and Jurisprudence Jindal Global Law School Call for Papers The role of the...
Date : January – February 2017 Nature : Constitutional Law Olympiad Location : First two rounds online and next two at ILS Law College The 1st National Constitutional Law Olympiad is being...
On the evening of the 19th of December, Dr. Tarunabh Khaitan, Associate Professor in Law at Wadham College, Oxford, will be delivering a talk titled “Securing Dissenters’ Consent...
In an op ed in the Economic Times on December 10, 2016, and an earlier, more detailed piece on the CPR website on December 6, 2016, I have argued that the demonetisation notification, as it...
Routledge, Taylor & Francis is delighted to announce the launch the Indian Law Review. Edited by a global team of exceptional scholars, we are excited to be publishing the first volume in 2017...
Guest Post by Akshita Jha In continuance of the Part I on the analysis of this judgment, this part constitutes of the criticism of the judgment and its analysis in the light of the rights of the...
Guest Post by Akshita Jha This part of the analysis puts forward the brief facts of the case, coupled with the analysis of the medical reports and the reasoning of the Supreme Court behind giving the...
Guest Post by Anuj Bhuwania, South Asian University, about his new book. My book ‘Courting the People: Public Interest Litigation in Post-Emergency India’ is going to be released this...
The following event has been cancelled. On the evening of the 5th of December, Dr. Tarunabh Khaitan, Associate Professor in Law at Wadham College, Oxford, will be delivering a...
I wrote a short piece for India Together describing how the current demonetisation process undermines the fundamental features of the Rule of Law. I argue that policy surprises and constant changing...
On 26 November 2016, I took part in a panel at the Consulate-General of India in Sydney to celebrate Constitution Day. I’ve provided my speech notes below. I was told to avoid controversy and to make...
In Defence of the Triple Test: A Case for Retaining the Standard in Bangalore Water Supply (Part-II)
(A guest post by Saurabh Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor of Law at NUJS, Kolkata) PART-II Why Triple Test Must Not be Interfered With? The five-judge bench in Jaibir Singh had not only assailed...
(Guest Post by Saurabh Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor of Law at NUJS, Kolkata) The constitution of a seven-judge bench of the Supreme Court to examine whether the decision of Bangalore Water...