The latest Frontline issue celebrates 60 years of the Indian Republic. Among the contributors to the cover story are Granville Austin, Aijaz Ahmad, A.G.Noorani, Prabhat Patnaik,and K.N.Panikkar...
In its recent judgment in Mulla v State of UP, the Supreme Court has continued with the trend of emphasising the extremely limited scope of the rarest of rare doctrine first formulated in Bachan...
By Nina Nariman, III Year, LL.B., Campus Law Centre, Delhi University. [Synopsis of the 2nd lecture in the series ‘60 years of the Indian Constitution’ delivered by Mr. T.R. Andhyarujina, Former...
[The following resolution was adopted at the Convention held in New Delhi today] The present system of appointments by the Collegium of Judges suffers from nepotism, arbitrariness and lack of...
The Third National Convention of the Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms (CJAR) was flagged off today on the Issues of Judicial Appointments, Complaints against judges, Contempt of Court...
The CJAR’s 3rd Convention will continue its deliberations on Feb.7 at the Seminar Hall of NMML tomorrow. The following is the agenda: SESSION 1 : THE JUDICIARY AND CIVIL LIBERTIES Moderator –...
A new blog – Legal Research India – was recently brought to my attention. Created by Arjun Sheoran, a student a NLSIU, it looks like a welcome new legal research tool that not only...
The Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reform is organising the 3RD NATIONAL CONVENTION on February 6 and 7 at the Main Auditorium, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Teen Murti House, New...
Images of a tense, sweaty (it could of course have been a charade) Tony Blair fielding questions on his decision to go into Iraq is no substitute for punishment. But is that the purpose of an Inquiry...
Britain has taken the first step to move away from the First Past the Post System (FPP) with the Prime Minister promising to initiate legislation giving the people the right to switch to an...
Two very interesting recent pieces on the Unique Identification Scheme (UID). The first, by Ravi Shukla, appeared in the Economic & Political Weekly (EPW) about two weeks ago; available here. The...
Accountability Initiative, an excellent initiative at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, is looking for a Research Associate. The initiative has three core program areas: Research – The...
This has been a week of anniversaries. Last Sunday marked sixty years since the Constituent Assembly met for its final session and members signed the Constitution. The Election Commission observed...