The Socio-Legal Review, the student edited peer reviewed interdisciplinary journal published annually by the National Law School of India University, Bangalore in collaboration with Sage...
In a recent post on this blog, Abhinav Chandrachud discussed his recent study of the Supreme Court’s composition (1985-2010) (published in the Economic & Political Weekly). In an article in...
Frontline’s latest issue on the price-rise makes a substantial contribution to the field reports on neoliberalism across the country. Neoliberalism, as an academic subject, has attracted...
Those following the debate on the appointment of PJ Thomas as the Chief Vigilance Commissioner may be interested in the Nolan Committee Report on Standards in Public Life, submitted to the British...
A consultation organised by the Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion (CSSE), National Law School of India University (NLSIU) and the Alternative Law Forum (ALF), Bangalore In the wake of the...
The Hindu recently carried a tribute to KG Kannabiran by Menaka Guruswamy which draws on her personal encounters with the activist lawyer. In her tribute, Guruswamy refers to the passing of K...
It is widely believed that the Indian Supreme Court adjudicates social rights. The familiar narrative, about the rise of the Court during the post-Emergency years and the innovations of the PIL era...
A.N.Ray CJI – an unwitting visionary? Justice Ajit Nath Ray, who retired as Chief Justice of India on 28.1.1977, died on December 25, 2010 at the ripe age of 99. On the date of his retirement when...
The Times of India has this piece today on how an epileptic woman, Fatema, who received 50,000 Rs in June from the Delhi High Court for giving birth under a tree after being denied treatment at a...
The following guest post has been contributed by Arvind Narrain, of the Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore. It is based on a presentation delivered at a meeting organised by PUCL Bangalore on January...
Frontline’s latest issue is a comprehensive attempt to understand and articulate the civil society’s outrage against Binayak Sen’s conviction and sentence. My articles are here and...
Here are links to some of my recent articles which may be of interest to readers: 1. On the demand for JPC probe into the 2G scam. 2.Uncles on Bench 3.On the proposed amendment to RTI Act. 4. On the...
My review of B.Sen’s fascinating memoirs appeared in Frontline recently. While Sen has been candid about some of his contemporaries, he has carefully avoided mentioning names, while dealing...