1. NHRC’s report on Salwa Judum presented to the Supreme Court. The report, contrary to what the CJI observed during the last hearing, defends Salwa Judum, even while making certain recommendations on the anti-Naxal strategy.

2.Supreme Court’s judgment in Divisional Manager, New India Assurance Co. Ltd. vs. A.Sankaralingam: At a time when the SC has referred to a larger Bench reconsideration of the landmark Bangalore Water Supply judgment, to reconsdier a host of issues settled in that judgment, this one by a two-Judge Bench (delivered on October 3 can be accessed on the judis site, if the link is not working)is a bolt from the blue. The Bench held in this case that a part-time employee is covered under the Industrial Disputes Act.

3.A.G.Noorani on lawless lawyers in the latest EPW

4.Andre Beteille on Constitutional Morality in EPW

5.Vinod Bhanu on right to recall legislators: the Chhattisgarh experiment in EPW

6. Sharad Joshi on how S.138 N.I.Act leads to farmers’ suicides in Maharashtra.

7.M.J.Antony on the latest Supreme Court judgment in Pareena Swarup vs. Union of India, declaring its contempt for Babu-friendly tribunals.

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Vikram Raghavan
Vikram Raghavan
16 years ago

This digest is extremely useful, Venkatesan. I know other readers find it very helpful. Thank you for sharing these materials. I would encourage other blog members to send potential articles or materials, which they find to Venkatesan for his inclusion here.

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