NSLR : Call for Articles

The Nalsar Student Law Review (“NSLR”) is a student initiative, the primary aim of which has been to encourage legal writing and scholarship among students. The first volume of the NSLR was released in 2005. It was intended to serve as a medium for students to express their opinions and conduct substantial analyses of contemporary and raging legal issues, an intention which has been carried forward in the subsequent three issues of the law review.

The NSLR, now in its fifth year of publication, with the next issue (Volume 5) scheduled to release later on this year is the flagship journal of NALSAR. The NSLR has been published annually. However, the Board of Editors propose to convert it into a bi-annual law review. The law review does not seek to restrict its reach merely among NALSAR students, but invites manuscripts from students across the country for publication. Besides publishing the student law review, the Board of Editors also propose to conduct other activities promoting legal scholarship among students. Some of such other activities include essay-writing competitions and contract-drafting competitions.

The NSLR, has also initiated an E-Journal, the editorial policy of which is available at the law review’s website. The Board of Editors invite submissions for the E-Journal of the NSLR as well as for the fifth issue of the NSLR. Submissions for the E-Journal shall be accepted on a rolling basis. However only those entries which are received before July 15, 2009 shall be considered for the fifth issue of the NSLR. Any submission after this date shall be considered for the next issue of the NSLR; however, it shall immediately be considered for the E-Journal.

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