Naz SC hearing transcript and Vth NLSIR symposium

1.  A transcript of the hearings in the Naz Foundation case before the Supreme Court is available here.  The 125 page document – which has clearly been put together after considerable effort and coordination – makes for interesting and, at times, depressing reading, given the variable quality and content of the arguments raised. Kafila has an interesting set of blogposts on the case (available here, here and here).  With the decision of the Supreme Court expected sometime this year, one can anticipate a lot of discussion on the issues that arose for consideration in the case.  Since the SC hearings reference the US Supreme Court’s decision in the Lawrence v. Texas case, this piece by Dalia Lithwick in the New Yorker reviewing a fascinating recent book on the story behind the case is relevant.    

2.  The NLSIR is hosting its Vth symposium on “Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions: Recent Regulatory Changes” over the coming weekend at the campus of the National Law School, Bangalore. Further details about the event, including the full programme, are available here

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