Launch of Legal Information Institute (Open Access Portal) in India

The Legal Information Institute (LII), an organisation at the forefront of driving open access in all things related to law, launches in India in a big way.

The Legal Information Institute of India (LII of India) was inaugurated by Dr M. Veerappa Moily, Union Minister of Law and Justice, in New Delhi on 9 March.

LII India has been accepted as the 34th member of the Free Access to Law Movement (FALM). It is currently a consortium of 8 partner law institutions (NUJS is one), and 4 supporting institutions. The Institute has its technical hub at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad.

It encompasses a free legal portal on legislations, treaties and case laws. And is continuously being updated and developed.

At present, LII India has 107 databases including legislation (the India code from 1836, state legislation, commentary on legislation), Indian case law (over 300,000 cases in full text from Supreme Court, High Courts and tribunals), treaties (all India treaties to 1975 plus over 800 bilateral treaties), law reform reports (from the Law Commission), legal scholarship (six law journals with scholarship repositories), cases concerning India and International Courts and Tribunals and cases concerning India from the pre-1873 English Reports.

The LawCite citator tracks case and journal article citations showing subsequent citation histories (in India and overseas) of Indian cases, law journal articles and treaties.

Comprehensive searching facility is provided by its search engine, sino, with full boolean and proximity searching; by flexible displays of results (by relevance, date, database and citations); by consistent formatting of data across jurisdictions; by adding hypertext links between cases, legislations, treaties, law journal articles and law reform reports; by providing ‘noteups’ from texts too where they are cited; and by the automated extraction of parallel citations and creation of citation tables by the LawCite citator.

Further, case law, state and union territory legislations are regularly updated.

The Kolkata (satellite) launch of LII India is scheduled for 8 April (10.30 am to 12 pm) at WB NUJS (Room 107). All are welcome to attend.

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