The Indian Journal of Constitutional Law: Call for Papers 2012-2013

The Indian Journal of Constitutional Law is an endeavour of the Constitutional Law Society at NALSAR, Hyderabad and the MK Nambyar SAARC Law Chair in Comparative Constitutional Studies. The Journal serves as a forum for the promotion of scholarship on core and comparative constitutional law issues. Published annually, the Journal comprises separate sections for articles, essays, case comments, legislative comments and book reviews. It is aimed to provide a source of qualitative and well-researched jurisprudence to constitutional lawyers, academicians and students, while simultaneously encouraging contributions from all these quarters.
The Indian Journal of Constitutional Law is pleased to invite contributions for its 6th Issue slated to be released in July 2013. We shall be accepting original unpublished work in the fields of Constitutional and Comparative Constitutional Law and Theory.
The last date for submissions is the 31st December, 2012.
Any queries regarding the same may be sent to
Written by
Tarunabh Khaitan
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