DIVIDED WE STAND: INDIA IN A TIME OF COALITIONS by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta & Shankar Raghuraman, Sage, 2007.

As the UPA Government at the Centre struggles to survive in power, with the vote of confidence in Lok Sabha scheduled on July 22, there will be sufficient interest on the stability of coalition Governments. In this book, the authors assert that ideological affinity is the best guarantor of the longevity of alliances, whatever the CMP may or may not promise. Coalitions, they claim, can make a major contribution to deepening and strengthening Indian democracy: If they have arisen because large sections of the people of India felt excluded from the process of development, they will survive only if they are able to reverse that exclusion. The authors find that how much political instability- or how little – is desirable for the progress of economic reforms is a very difficult question to answer. In 2004, the BJP and the Congress together barely managed to cross the half-way mark in the Lok Sabha. In the next election, the authors assert it will not be surprising if they together fail to reach the half-way mark. This only shows that the next Lok Sabha will be more fractured than the 14th Lok Sabha, and political stability will continue to be elusive.

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lpo training@lawwave
lpo training@lawwave
16 years ago

LPO Training Program & LPO Job Opportunities from Lawwave

Dear Friends,

Here is a great career proposal for law graduates and working lawyers in India to put their legal career on fast track!

Lawwave, a leading brand in legal outsourcing based in New York with its back office operation in Chennai, India is conducting Corporate and LPO Training Program in India to create excellent career opportunities for law graduates and working lawyers in LPOs and legal departments of MNCs.

The course content focuses on international legal practice and provides exclusive training and coverage on all the crucial areas of practice that are highly relevant to carve a niche in the legal industry.

The program offers exclusive career-counseling, resume-building and interviewing sessions for the candidates.

Lawwave provides placement assistance to candidates and their resumes are referred to LPOs and corporate.

The main highlight of the program is Complimentary Internship which offers the candidates with live LPO research and review assignments to work on. It greatly helps the candidates in developing a keen practical insight about the functioning of the LPOs and corporate before joining the industry.

The candidates are assured of an advanced skill set and a growth-oriented career path after successfully completing the Lawwave LPO Training Program.

For further details about the program, please visit the URL http://lawwave.com/lpotraining_program.htm

Also check out the YouTube link http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=0N8KsWTy_Xo to watch a live video of the training program conducted at Chennai, India and get a glimpse of Lawwave’s US trainer, trainees and the classroom environment at Lawwave Training Center!

Lawwave Corporate & LPO Training Program is scheduled to commence in the months of September 2008 and October 2008 in Chennai (at Lawwave Training Center) and Delhi (at India Law Institute Opp. SC Chambers) respectively

If you are interested to learn more about this great career opportunity, I would be glad to invite and reply to your comments and questions. Thanks!

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