Department of Justice’s user-friendly website

I received the following guest post from SUBHASH CHANDRA AGRAWAL, RTI activist:

The Department of Justice should be complimented for launch of its new user-friendly website aimed towards transparency through e-governance. The website has incorporated many new features like ‘Memorandum of Appointment and Transfer of Judges in Higher Courts’, ‘Initiatives for Judicial Reforms’, ‘Vacancy Statement of High Court Judges’ etc. which were till now shrouded under secrecy-cover. The important aspect is regular updating of the website depicting the date of last updating. Even statement of ‘Disposal of RTI requests’ is now included on the website. However all government-websites should incorporate ‘Guest-Book’ column to include observations and suggestions from members of public about activities of the concerned government-department.

National Informatics Centre (NIC), responsible to manage government-websites should overhaul other websites on the same pattern. Directorate of Advertisement and Visual Publicity (DAVP) which wastes huge amount of money from public-exchequers on photo-publicity of political rulers, should rather give advertisements to make public aware of new government-websites like that of Department of Justice.

Here are the two relevant links, which would be of interest to us:

Memorandum of procedure for appointment of Judges in Supreme Court
Memorandum of procedure for appointment and transfer of Judges in High Courts

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