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Contested Nation: a podcast by the Equals Project


Contested Nation is a podcast that explores the Constituent Assembly Debates and their continuing relevance for India today. 
This podcast explores both, the questions of identity that were being discussed in the Assembly, and the Union that was being forged outside its hallowed halls.

Contested Nation is a podcast that explores the Constituent Assembly Debates and their continuing relevance for India today. 

The Constituent Assembly of India met over a period of nearly 3 years, to discuss, debate and decide upon the rules and norms that would govern independent India. Unlike the rosy depiction in popular history, the Assembly members were bitterly divided on their vision for the nation. Familiar fault lines appeared on the basis of caste, class, religion and region. 

At its core, the Assembly was discussing what it means to be Indian? And what are the values that would underpin the nation? Questions that we continue to grapple with in modern day India. 

This podcast explores both, the questions of identity that were being discussed in the Assembly, and the Union that was being forged outside its hallowed halls.

The Equals Project explores the constitutional history of India and the process by which the Indian Constitution was written. The initiative is focused on helping people understand their relationship with the Constitution. They conduct workshops, design courses, deliver heritage walks, and engage in research collaborations that explore the Constituent Assembly.
You can visit the Equals Project here.

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Contested Nation: a podcast by the Equals Project – NALSAR University of Law | Library | eLibrary
2 years ago

[…] Posted bySuhani Paruvelly […]

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