
*Manoj Mitta on why absence of extradition is no hindrance to hand over suspects to India by Pakistan. Interestingly, the CJI has said there is no clear legal basis for international cooperation in the absence of bilateral extradition treaties. Read the report on his address here.

*M.J.Akbar on how Muslims fritter away their vote

*Karan Thapar’s interview with Pranab Mukherjee

*BS editorial on restraint in the media

*Rajeev Dhavan’s ‘Don’t repay a bad deed with a worse one’

*Salil Tripathi opposing the resolution by the Bombay Metropolitan Magistrate Courts Bar Association barring its members from representing Kasab. Also read Vishnu V.Shankar’s article and Ram Jethmalani’s views.
Kasab can’t be denied legal aid (news analyis in TOI) cites a SC judgment in its support.
Here is a link to the debate on CNN-IBN on Dec.15.

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16 years ago


It is the “Bombay Metropolitan Magistrate Courts Bar Association” which has passed that resolution, not the BBA. Kindly correct the error in your post. The BBA is a separate bar association from the BMMCBA

16 years ago

Mr. Jethmalani’s comments are interesting. I wonder what the duty of a defence lawyer is in case the accused admits that he has done the crime but wants the advocate to deny it in Court? Mr. jethmalani seems to be suggesting that the lawyer should argue on sentencing rather than on conviction – but what is the correct ethical practice where the accused wants arguments on conviction?

Talha Abdul Rahman
Talha Abdul Rahman
16 years ago

With a number of bar associations chartering the illegal terrain of passing resolutions that violate the most basic rule of legal professional ethics, it is time that the courts and the BCI should intervene before their legitimacy and credibility, like that of police force in India is questioned openly.

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