Call for Submissions: The Indian Journal of International Economic Law

Indian Journal of International Economic Law
now accepting submissions for its upcoming issues – Volume 8(1) and 8(2).
The Indian Journal of
International Economic Law (IJIEL) is a law journal published by National Law
School of India University, Bangalore (NLSIU) under the patronage of the Indian
government sponsored chair on WTO Law. The Journal is oriented towards
publishing academic work that considers the legal issues in the field of
international economic law from a comparative perspective and/or the
perspective of the developing world. The IJIEL accepts academic submissions in
the form of articles, notes, comments or book reviews. The Journal is already
indexed on Manupatra and will be available on HeinOnline by April, 2016.
Continuing with the past
tradition, Volume 8(1) will be a general edition dealing with a host of legal
issues in the field of international economic law, which includes
multidisciplinary research concerning the WTO, trade laws at various levels of
government, financial institutions, regulatory subjects such as taxation and
competition policy, various services sectors such as banking and brokerage,
linkages to human rights and cultural problems and international commercial
This year, considering the contemporary relevance
of the Trans Pacific Partnership, IJIEL is coming up with a special issue on
the “Implications of Trans-Pacific Partnership”. The
Trans-Pacific Partnership is expected to reshape business practices and trade
law regime across the world. We have already received a very enthusiastic
response to this edition and hope the student community would also want to
contribute to the scholarship on this contemporary topic.
IJIEL is now accepting submissions for both the issues under the
following categories

1.     Articles (5000 to 12000 words) must deal with a theme of interest or
importance comprehensively and are expected to show an extensive coverage of
existing literature and a high level of
2.     Essays for the Law in Focus section (3000 to 5000 words) must concisely analyse contemporary
legislations, landmark treaties or other specific issues in international
economic law of a contemporary nature.
3.     Case Notes, Legislative Comments and Book/Article Reviews (2000 to 7000 words).
The Editorial Board invites
submissions for Volume No.8(1) and 8(2) of 2016. The Journal follows a rolling
submissions policy and the deadline for the forthcoming volume is 25
March 2016
The submissions received
after this date shall be considered for the next volume. The submissions must
relate to any of the broad themes mentioned above or any other aspect of
international economic law, with a focus on developing country perspective.

For any queries, contact
Shimal Kapoor                                        
Lavanya Chawla

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