Call for Associate Editor, Centre for Law and Policy Research, Bangalore

Centre for Law and Policy Research (CLPR) is a non-profit organization based in
Bangalore established to promote law and public policy research, public
interest litigation and interventions in legal education. We have embarked on a
new initiative titled – Constitutional and Civic Citizenship
– where we aim to foster greater public awareness of India’s constitutional
history and an understanding of how this history has shaped and informed the
most challenging legal, governance and public policy issues that we encounter
initial stage of the project aims to make the rich debates and discourse that
accompanied the framing of the Constitution of India readily accessible to
lawyers, judges, academics, historians and the public at large. The
Constitution of India that was adopted on January 26, 1950 was the product of
detailed discussions and debates of the Indian Constituent Assembly that had
165 sittings over a period of 2 years and 11 months. While transcripts of the
Constituent Assembly Debates (CAD) have been preserved and are available as
online sources, they have, to date, not been organised in an easily accessible
and searchable format. We intend to make the ‘rights’ portion of the CAD
available on a website that will be searchable based on a variety of criteria
including thematically, speaker names, specific articles of the constitution
etc. Through this, we hope to make the CAD more accessible and user friendly
for a wide audience, which in turn will make the debates both a useful tool for
civic education and allow for greater engagement with India’s constitutional

are looking for an Associate Editor to join the CAD project for a period of 4
months at the offices of the Centre for Law and Policy Research, Bangalore
during which s/he will help us complete the debates on fundamental rights and
directive principles. The primary responsibilities of the Associate Editor will
be to supervise the work of CAD coders who are engaged in the coding and
tagging of the transcripts of the CAD. The Associate Editor will also work on
all other aspects of the project and other related engagements.

require candidates for the position to be well versed in Indian Constitutional
Law and History, and preferably have a Master’s degree in Law, History or
Political Science. Interested candidates should write to the undersigned with
their Resume along with a brief note on why they would be a good fit for the

Ravi –

for Law and Policy Research, Bangalore
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