Ban on creative freedom again

Our readers may find the full text of the Lucknow Bench of Allhabad High Court’s interim order on the petition seeking a ban on the Bollywood film Goliyon ki Raasleela -Ram Leela on our Judgments Page.  The interim order curiously allows the exhibition of the film under a different title – which some of the newspapers reporting the news have missed.  Also, the following observations of the DB in the order, are debatable:
“Meaning assigned  to a particular word by the peoples since thousand years of civilization cannot be given a different meaning by film makers.  Obviously, use of film for a different purpose as a measure of cheap popularity or promotion is not permissible since it hurts the sentiments of the people. ” 

Why are our High Courts issuing such orders, when the case law is fairly well-settled in favour of exhibition of the film?

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