Elizabeth Kolsky, whose pathbreaking book we reviewed here has written an opinion piece in the DAWN, highlighting how the Raymond Davis case follows a pattern established in colonial India where...
This guest post has been contributed by Mrinal Satish, JSD candidate at the Yale Law School. Mr Satish has taught criminal law and procedure for several years and is working on a thesis examining...
NLU Jodhpur’s Trade, Law and Development journal is bringing out a special issue edited by Prof. B.S Chimni on TWAIL (Third World Approaches to International Law). The issue is dedicated to the...
Anyone who has studied or taught in Indian lawschools will have confronted the widespread culture of plagiarism that exists. This is not unique to the legal academy, as Manjari Katju charts in the...
I wanted to flag two articles that both provide important ways of thinking about law the state and our colonial legacy. Siddharth Narain in EPW traces the history of sedition laws and asks pertinent...
In a recent opinion piece I argue that the rather hackneyed debate on the UCC and Indian multiculturalism needs to be reimagined given certain significant shifts in ground realities...
The current issue of the Economic and Political Weekly carries a special section of articles on the Ayodhya judgment. Anupam Gupta, one of the counsel who appeared before the Lieberhan Commission...
As parliament stumbles into the Winter Session, one should note that there are five constitutional amendments on its legislative agenda. The most prominent of course is the Women’s Reservation...
I wanted to bring to the attention of our readers, two fascinating online sources on Indian law. The first is a colonial legal history database that has been set up Mitra Sharafi, Assistant Professor...
Asma Jahangir’s election as the first woman President of the the Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan today continues to complicate the changing frontiers of judiciary/executive...