I am picking up on Arun’s usual thoughtful piece about the legality of sting operations. Perhaps, I have missed much of the literature, but I have yet to see a good substantive discussion of...
The Union of India has been compelled to withdraw its counter-affidavits filed in the Ramar Sethu case, following the uproar over certain paragraphs of the counter-affidavit filed by the...
Yesterday’s HT features an editorial by Rajdeep Sardesai on this issue. Taking a somewhat different stance than other establishment figures in the media (see this previous post for details and...
The People’s Union for Democratic Rights, Delhi is organising a lecture on Narco-analysis as a form of torture, and Democratic Rights’. It will be delivered by Dr.Amar Jesani, Centre for...
Today’s Times of India has carried Justice Krishna Iyer’s article on the allegations against Justice Sabharwal. He calls for an impartial inquiry. “Such a body has to be set up by...
Mr.K.K.Venugopal continued his submissions this morning on behalf of the Resident Doctors’ Association. I am summing up his views here: 1. Article 15(5) and Article 15(4) are inconsistent with...
Today’s Hindu features a column which reproduces a press statement issued by three retired judges (Justices Krishna Iyer, PB Sawant and H. Suresh). This statement provides a stimulating...
Several comments were made to the post “Does consensual sex based on false promise amount to rape?”. Recently, a detailed critique was posted by Ms. Sunanda Bharti (see comment section of the...
Divya Gandhi’s op-ed in The Hindu last week brought to wider public focus the on-going controversy regarding manipulation in a research paper that has roiled the Indian scientific community for...
Today’s papers are full of editorials and op-eds on the Uma Khurana case. As Barkha Dutt fairly concedes in her column: “The timing could not have been worse. On a day when television...