Here are some more articles which appeared in recent days on the Judgment. I add my summary/comments briefly for record. 1. Harsh Sethi, Editor, Seminar in DNA: Regrets that policy debate and public...
Some of you may be following a recent patent controversy involving Roche, a multinational pharma company and CIPLA, a generic manufacturer from India. CIPLA brazenly defied Roche’s patent over...
Kalpana Kannabiran, a Professor of Sociology at NALSAR, Hyderabad, has a column in today’s Hindu on the Thakur case and its implications, where she refers to differences in the four judgments...
We are now beginning to delve into the details of the Thakur case, and I do not mean to obstruct that process. But, as with much else in life, things go on and we should continue to track other...
[Mr.Rampal of the Bailey contributed this insightful analysis in the Comments Section. I am glad to post it on his behalf, to facilitate better visibility and further debate. I thank him for the...
I have had the opportunity to go through the notes taken when the Chief Justice of India read out the summary on April 10, while delivering the Mandal II Judgment. The original version as read out by...
1. Merits of Multiple Judgments: Arun has referred in the pervious post to the problems posed by different judgments even while the Judges agree on many of the questions before them. While his view...
This post is part of an effort to track early responses to the Thakur case. I won’t have time to comment on these now, but here is Indira Jaising’s column on the case, and this...
The media is abuzz with reports that Justices Pasayat-Thakker judgments on Mandal II -if read with Justice Bhandari’s – would mean that majority Judges have held that graduates cannot be...
As is perhaps to be expected when the Supreme Court issues four judgments in a single case, much of the early analysis of the Thakur case is very general and noncommittal. This may be because a close...