‘Crafting Justice’: A Two Day Exhibition and Public Conference about Learning to ‘Do’ Justice

Posted on behalf of Abhayraj Naik, School of Policy and Governance, Azim Premji University

Azim Premji University is hosting a two day exhibition and public conference titled “Crafting Justice” focused on student-led experience-based field projects that further social justice. The exhibition and conference will be held on 29th and 30th April 2017, between 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM at Rangoli, The Metro Art Centre, MG Road Bangalore.

This conference and exhibition marks the first time in India that experiential educators, practitioners and students get together to discuss the challenges and learnings of designing, practicing and evaluating experiential education curriculum and pedagogy within the disciplines of development, law, public policy, governance and the broad social sciences and humanities.

The exhibition will feature art installations, interactive and immersive experiences, documentaries, infographics and other exhibits that showcase field projects that students have worked on over the course of an academic year. Projects include engaging with the refugee status of Tibetans in Bylakuppe in Karnataka (Constitutional and Public Law Project), the ecological impact of building a proposed port on the Aghanashini river in Kumta taluk of Uttara Kannada District of Karnataka (Ecological Justice Project), sentencing policy particularly elements of blame with a focus on the award of Death Penalty in the cases of Saibanna and Umesh Reddy who are currently lodged in prison in Belgaum, Karnataka (Criminal Justice Project), the challenges faced by women migrant labour from the north eastern states in the country (Human Rights Project), the role of media in the recent Uttar Pradesh legislative assembly elections (Media and Politics Project), everyday conceptions of the state in Gujarat and Haryana, reforming State Public Service Commissions in India, and many more. Students at Azim Premji University have worked on these field projects for about 8 months of the academic year, and have attempted to create modest but tangible change towards social justice. Exhibits will showcase their work, the complex issues involved, and some voices from the communities involved.

The public conference will comprise of panel discussions that focus on the ethical and practical challenges faced by students, academics, practitioners, and the community in carrying out such projects and in attempting to achieve social justice, that is, to do justice. The conference and the exhibition will also showcase new thinking with regard to experience-based and justice-oriented models of education, the potential of this model to create social change, and strategies to sustain this model.

The key note panel discussion will focus on the theme of “Sustainable Models for Experiential Justice Education” and will be held on 29th April between 6:30 to 8:30 PM at NUMA, Church Street, Bangalore.

The students of MA Development and LLM programme, the Hub for Law and Policy, and Azim Premji University would like to invite their peers, academics and practitioners to attend, participate and cover this meaningful and unique event.

More information on this event can be obtained at: www.craftingjustice.net or you could follow the page https://www.facebook.com/craftingjustice/ on facebook.


Contact Details:

Meena Artwani: +91 9945394747 | Abhayraj Naik: +91-9886831639

Web: www.craftingjustice.net

Facebook: @craftingjustice

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