New Contributor : Tarunabh Khaitan

We are happy to announce that Tarunabh Khaitan has agreed to join the team blog here at Law and Other Things. Tarunabh is currently a D.Phil candidate at Oxford University, and his doctoral dissertation seeks to critique contemporary approaches to anti-discrimination (or equality) jurisprudence in several jurisdictions (including India). Tarunabh has earlier been associated with the Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore (click here for a paper on the death penalty in India that is featured on the ALF website). Since October 2005, he has run a link blog called Human Rights Law in India which collates information on significant human rights developments in India. As the foregoing suggests, Tarunabh has a keen interest in human rights issues in India in particular.

As readers of the blog must have noted, we are seeking to expand the range (in terms of legal issues) and number of contributions. Over the next week or so, we will introduce other new team members, and we hope to have new additions from time to time (some of whom may be part of the team temporarily as guest bloggers). Those who have already expressed an interest in joining the team, and those who may want to do so in future, are requested to contribute (or continue to contribute, as the case may be) by posting in the comments section of the blog.

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