1. I co-authored an article in the latest Frontline aiming to offer a semantic analysis of the Parliament debate on anti-terror laws and their implications.

2. Nick Robinson, our co-blogger, in this stimulating and well-argued piece suggests that the reason for the huge backlog of cases in the Supreme Court is the number and type of cases it accepts rather than the number of judges.

3.My review of Zoya Hasan’s Politics of Inclusion: Castes, Minorities, and Affirmative Action. and why I think the book makes a key contribution to the debate on equality.

4. M.J.Antony says complex questions have been referred to larger benches but they have lapsed from memory in this review of the Supreme Court in 2008.

5.A.G.Noorani says in this essay on Pakistan’s burden that international law imposes an unqualified obligation on Pakistan to punish the conspirators behind the Mumbai attacks. AGN also offers a critique of the CJI’s speech on terrorism, both on facts and reasoning.

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16 years ago

It has become fashionable to claim that minorities especially muslims are discriminated against.But often issues like Haj subsidy or the constitutional rights available to minorities are not addressed.The time has come to have a re-look at the minority/majority issues as a whole
instead of focussing on muslims and christians alone.

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