India Sits Out the Cluster Munitions Agreement

On our 59th Republic Day, I thought I’d reflect, in my private capacity, on a disturbing trend concerning our country’s refusal to participate or to curb its commitment to key humanitarian agreements. The latest example is the recently adopted international convention on cluster munitions. My friend, Priya Pillai, has written an excellent note for the American Society of International Law on the new agreement and she notes that India was among the notable absentees. It is unclear what the precise reasons for India’s refusal are. I invite our readers, who may have insights or information, to comment on this development.

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Raman Jit Singh Chima
Raman Jit Singh Chima
16 years ago

Just a thought; Could we venture to argue that India at the official level seems to be more and more disengaging from the multilateral international legal system?

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