Appointing Judges: How India can learn from Pakistan

It may be just a coincidence that even as Indian public opinion deplores the non-elevation of Justice A.P.Shah to the Supreme Court, Pakistan too is debating the Presiden’s power to appoint Judges to the Supreme Court. In this article, Kuldip Nayar tells Indian Judges that they must learn from Pakistan Judges who refused to take oath without the consent of the CJP. Interestingly, Nayar gives graphic details of the Collegium meeting which failed to recommend Justice Shah, and suggests that Parliament should intervene to stop the abuse of collegium by individual judges to score points over others. In another piece in Mail Today, Najam Sethi offers a critique of CJP’s stand on the appointments issue.

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Pranav Sachdeva
Pranav Sachdeva
15 years ago

Thanks for this post. And thanks to LAOT for taking up this topic.

I hope Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA), which is currently in a mess because of its internal affairs, passes a resolution demanding that the collegium recommends Justice Shah for appointment as a Supreme Court judge.

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