Supreme Court’s judgment on Narco tests: the debate continues

One of our regular and esteemed readers, Shekhar Hattangadi, has written this interesting piece in today’s DNA, expressing his disappointment with the judgment on Narco tests. Shekhar is a lawyer and an adjunct professor of medical jurisprudence at Mumbai University. Shekhar and I disagree on the import of Supreme Court’s judgment, but readers are welcome to form their own opinion on the issue. My article in Frontline is here.

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14 years ago

VV, I think that curiously we are not in disagreement about the judgment's import. Assuming, as far as the meaning of the word import goes, that we agree upon the same thing in the same sense, then "import" would mean significance / importance / consequence. And I'm quite certain that we're both convinced about how important and significant the judgment is for India's criminal justice system, and about the consequences it will have on it. Namely, more criminal investigations yielding evidence that is inadequate for the trial to reach the conviction threshold. There simply is no denying this from any side of the debate.

I believe our disagreement stems from the way we characterize the nature of the judgment itself. Our respective pieces make our stands clear. You think that irrespective of the consequences, it's bold and revolutionary. I think that precisely because of those consequences, it's anything but.

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