The most recent issue of the NLSIR, Vol. 23(1), featured contributions by Mr. Justice Altamas Kabir (Judge, Supreme Court of India), Professor Christopher Forsyth (Cambridge University), Professor Julian Roberts(Oxford University), Professor Lea Shaver (Yale Law School), Professor Ariel Ezrachi (Director, University of Oxford Centre for Competition Law and policy) and Mr. K. Swaminathan (Head of the Direct Tax Practice at Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan) among several others. Moreover, in August 2009, NLSIR attained the unique distinction of being the only Indian student-run law journal to be cited by the Supreme Court of India, inAction Committee, Un-Aided Private Schools v. Director of Education. NLSIR has also recently been cited in Justice R. S. Bachawat’s Law of Arbitration and Conciliation, a leading treatise on arbitration law in India.
Papers may be submitted as Long Articles (approximately 8000 words), Essays (approximately 5000 words) or Notes (approximately 2500 words). Submissions may be made to Queries regarding submission may be sent to the same email address. The last date for submissions is November 1, 2011. Formore information, please visit –
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