Call for Papers: Comparative Constitutional Law & Administrative Law Quarterly

[The following is an announcement from CALQ]
The Editorial
Board of the Comparative Constitutional Law & Administrative Law Quarterly
(CALQ) is inviting submissions for Vol.1 No.3 from legal academicians,
professionals and students.

General Theme
The Journal
attempts to initiate and foster academic dialogue concerning the subject of
Administrative Law and Constitutional Law keeping in mind a global perspective.
While we urge
that Articles envisage a comparative
perspective involving any legal regime, Articles which identify key
contemporary national issues having weight in the field of Constitutional and
Administrative Law are also invited.
Manuscripts in
the category of Notes must identify a
specific issue related to Constitutional or Administrative law. Again, we seek that
pertinent contemporary debates relating to policy and practice under the national
regime be identified. We also invite Case
with respect to recent judgments of significance in the field of
Constitutional law with a comparative analysis of precedents or issues in other
legal regimes.

     Abstract: The manuscript
must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 350 words.
2.         Word Limits:
– Articles – Not exceeding 6000 (six thousand) words
– Notes – Not exceeding 4000 (four thousand) words.
– Case Comment – Not exceeding 3000 (three thousand) words.
3.         Citations: Citations shall be made in consonance with The
Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (19th Edition).
     Formatting specifications:
The manuscript must be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 with 1.5 Line Spacing.
5.         Language: The Journal shall follow British English.
manuscript submitted should be original and unpublished.
–           Upon the
selection of the article by the Editorial Board of CALQ, the copyright of the
article shall transfer to the Board when the Author/s has been intimated about
the choice.
      Author/s may
be asked to revise or resubmit the manuscript within a stipulated time. Upon re­submission
of the manuscript, the author/s would be required to mention the suggestion
made by the Editorial Board and the subsequent changes made by the author/s.
      In case of
an offer of publication from another journal for the submitted manuscript, the
author/s may request an expedited review via a mail to editorcalq [at] gmail
[dot] com with the details about the Journal which has extended the offer and
the manuscript attached.
     The Author/s
are required to email the manuscript to editorcalq [at] gmail [dot] com
2.         The manuscript may be mailed in ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format.
     The subject
of the mail must clearly mention ‘Submission for CALQ (2013) Volume 1.3’.
     The mail must
be addressed to the ‘Board of Editors’ providing the name of the author/s with
the name of the institution affiliated to and the contact details.
     A mail
confirming the receipt of your manuscript and subsequently the acceptance of
your manuscript for publication would be duly conveyed to the author/s through
the email id mentioned on the Covering Letter of the manuscript.
6.         Last date for submission – September 30th, 2013

In case of any
clarifications, kindly send a mail to ‘editorcalq@gmailcom’. You can find more
information at our website,

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