Website on Death Penalty in India

The Death Penalty Research Project at National Law University, Delhi has launched a website on the death penalty in India —
The site aims to host extensive and comprehensive resources on the death penalty in India. We hope that the site in its current form is a decent start and that we will add a lot more in the coming months.
In the interest of full disclosure, the project was a proposal I made to the University, which in turn has provided extensive financial and logistical support.
The project has interviewed all prisoners sentenced to death in India, tracked and interviewed their families and also met their trail court defense lawyers. The idea is to understand the socio-economic profile of people sentenced to death in India and also get a sense of their experience with the criminal justice system. While the report of our research is in the final stages, our work is meant to be a foundation that others can build on. A lot remains to be understood about the administration of death penalty in India and we do hope that our empirical experience can contribute to future efforts. We hope to publish the report by March 2015.

As far as the website is concerned, a few particular links that might be of interest to readers:

Judges Discourse:
Current Prisoner Information (State-wise):
Timeline on the Death Penalty in India:
Student Researcher Narratives from Fieldwork:
Executions since Independence:
Some Prominent Executions:

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Arun Thiruvengadam
Arun Thiruvengadam
10 years ago

Congratulations, Anup, both for the progress that the overall project is clearly making, and for getting this excellent website up and running. This is an important landmark in generating serious legal scholarship and analysis of the criminal justice system in India.

Captain Nemo
Captain Nemo
10 years ago

Dear Sir,

I will surely want to be a part of this and will apply for the same.

On another Morbid Issue:


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