9th Annual NLSIR Symposium 2015-16 – Goods and Services Tax: The Changing Face of Fiscal Federalism in India

[The following announcement is being posted on
behalf of the National Law School of India Review]
The National Law School of India Review (NLSIR),
the flagship journal of the National Law School of India University (NLSIU),
Bangalore is pleased to announce the 9th
Annual NLSIR Symposium on Goods and Services Tax: The Changing Face
of Fiscal Federalism in India
scheduled to be held on 14-15 May, 2016 at the International
Training Centre, National Law School of India University, Bangalore
. This
year, the Symposium seeks to engage with the topical issue of the Goods and
Services Tax (GST) regime that is proposed to be introduced by the Constitution
(122nd Amendment) Bill, 2014. Having been stalled for a significant period of
time, the passing of the Bill is now imminent, and the far reaching changes
that it makes to the indirect taxation regime in India make it a ripe topic for
detailed critical examination. Given the novelty of many of the proposed
changes, the Symposium seeks to promote an informed discussion among various
stakeholders regarding the impact and legal implications of such changes.
Confirmed speakers for
the Symposium include Mr. Arbind Modi (Joint Secretary, Tax Policy and
Legislation, Ministry of Finance), Dr. M. Govinda Rao (Member, Fourteenth
Finance Commission), Mr.
N. Venkataraman (Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India), Mr.
Upendra Gupta (Additional Commissioner Member, CBEC (GST Cell)), Mr. Sudhir Krishnaswamy (Faculty, Azim Premji
University), Mr. Alok Prasanna Kumar (Senior Resident Fellow (Vidhi Center for
Legal Policy). Ms. Jayashree
Parthasarathy (Partner, BMR & Associates LLP), Mr.
Karthik Sundaram (Associate Partner, Economics Law Practice), Mr. Madhukar N.
Hiregange, C.A., (Partner, Hiregange & Associates, Bangalore), Mr. TR Venkateswaran (Indirect Tax
Director, PwC) and Mr. B. Sriram, Partner (Tax and Regulatory Practice, E&Y)
among others.
year, the discussions will be divided into four panels:
I: Constitutional Challenges and Concerns
(Forenoon, May
14, 2016, Saturday)
II: Understanding the Dual GST System  
(Afternoon, May
14, 2016, Saturday)
III: Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) 
(Forenoon, May
15, 2016, Sunday)
IV: Procedural Hurdles and Concerns in Implementing GST
(Afternoon, May
15, 2016, Sunday)
fee for the Symposium is Rs. 500 for professionals and Rs. 250 for students.
The payment has to be made at the venue. All those interested are requested to
register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1flQ1Zv86UPCAjLOlmYglY5WK_iDhj6DR3r7kPxMKqXU/viewform
more details visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/997877953621577/
For further information, please contact Ashwini Vaidialingam (Chief Editor):
+91-9663370310; Kaustav Saha
(Deputy Chief Editor): +91-9916707621 or email us at mail.nlsir@gmail.com.

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