6th Nani Palkhivala Foundation Taxation Law Essay Competition

[The following is an
announcement from the National Law School of India Review]

National Law School
of India Review in association with the Nani Palkhivala Memorial Trust is
pleased to announce the release of topics for the 6th Nani Palkhivala
Foundation Taxation Law Essay Competition. The competition is open to current
students of law in any college or university in India.


1. GAAR: Is it necessary to check tax evasion?
2. Nature and taxability of software payments under the I.T. Act.
3. The constitutional validity of repeated retrospective
4. The limits of the “territorial nexus” requirement in light of
Vodafone and the Finance Act, 2012.

Word limit: 3000 (inclusive of footnotes)

Deadline: 14th February, 2013.

Prize Money: First Prize – Rs 6,000
Second Prize – Rs 4,000
 Third Prize – Rs 2,000

Joint authorship is not allowed. Please send the essay and author information
in separate files. The essay must not contain any identification of the author.
Plagiarism will result in disqualification. For any further details or queries,
please contact National Law School of India Review (NLSIR) at: mail.nlsir@gmail.com.

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