Dr.Binayak Sen’s quest for freedom

Siddharth Varadarajan’s apt piece in The Hindu (Set Binayak Sen free now) pleading for his immediate release created the right atmosphere for the hearing of Dr.Binayak Sen’s fresh bail application today in the Supreme Court before Justices D.K.Jain and R.M.Lodha (SLP (Crl…)No.6149/2009: Binayak Sen vs. State of Chhattisgarh). However, as Mr.Ram Jethmalani, who was to argue his case could not make an appearance in the Court today, the case has been adjourned to May 4. Dr.Sen’s quest for freedom continues. Read this rare interview given recently to Vinay Sitapati ( with his recent photograph, which is equally rare). Follow this site, to know more about the campaign to free him.

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15 years ago

Well, the prosecution never met its burden of proof in Courts below. so, I think, as a matter of law, the Supreme Court should set free this man and direct him to desist from reformation of the Naxals for a specific time in order that the State’s interests are apparently safeguarded by removing the opportunity for future commission of the alleged offence.

I believe in this man’s innocence. He should take time to reform his failing health first.

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