Aishwarya Birla
Aishwarya Birla is a fifth-year student at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. She takes a keen interest in human rights law, comparative constitutional law and philosophy.
Priyamvadha Shivaji
Priyamvadha Shivaji is a fifth year student at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. She takes a keen interest in comparative constitutional law, public law and administration, and human rights jurisprudence. She writes on diverse issues, with a focus on migration and minority rights.
Vivek Mukherjee
Vivek completed his Bachelor’s degree in Law from NLIU, Bhopal in 2015 and further pursued his LLM from NLSIU, Bangalore (2016). It was during these years that he worked as a teaching assistant under Prof. M.P. Singh and Prof. M.K. Ramesh, that created an affinity towards teaching, ultimately bringing him to Justice City. International and Environmental laws are his areas of interest. Exploring these laws vis-à-vis the locale of agriculture in India, is what he is currently working on for his doctoral thesis.
Gayatri Gupta
Gayatri is a fifth-year student at NALSAR University of Law. She has a keen interest in Refugee law, Constitutional Law, and Human Rights Law. She also works at Parichay Legal Aid Clinic as a core team member. These days, she can be found chilling with doggos and honing her binge-watching skills.
Bhavisha Sharma
Bhavisha Sharma graduated from NALSAR in 2022. She will be moving to London in March 2023 for her Training Contract at Linklaters LLP. Currently, she is exploring working of the Indian legal system through internships. Bhavisha has been associated with LAOT since it was handed over to NALSAR Student Team in 2017. She served as the Editor-In-Chief of Law And Other Things and the NALSAR Student Law Review during 2021-22. She has been awarded the prestigious Temasek Scholarship (2019) and NTSE Scholarship (2015). She has written multiple pieces on constitutional and human rights.
Benjamin Vanlalvena
He is a former editor of the NALSAR TechLawForum and played a key role in its transition from a Blog to the NALSAR sub-domain (available at: He is currently the technical editor for this website. He also maintains the website of DEVISE – Developing Inclusive Education (available at: and NSLR – NALSAR Student Law Review (available at:
Chittkrishna Thakkar
Chittkrishna Thakkar is a 4th year student at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. He has a keen interest in Constitutional and Human Rights Law and seeks to pursue litigation after law school.
Vishal Rakhecha
Vishal Rakhecha is a lawyer working in the field of technology law. He graduated from NALSAR University of Law in 2021. He has served in various capacities at Law and Other Things since 2018, including as the Editor-in-Chief in 2020-2021. He was also a Public Resource Fellow with He has written for Indian Law Review, the Oxford Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, The Ken, and The Hindu.
Jonathan Rajan
Jonathan Rajan is a third-year at Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad. His areas of interest include Judicial reform, Constitutional law and Environmental politics. He wishes to pursue research in Environmental law after graduation.
Raghunandan Sriram
Raghunandan Sriram is a second year student at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. His areas of interest include the field of law-and-society, history, sociology and political science.
Kanu Garg
Kanu is a third year law student at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. Her interests include Constitutional law and Human Rights law, particularly the rights of women and children.
Sayan Bhattacharya
Sayan Bhattacharya is a student in his 4th year at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. He is interested in constitutional law, data privacy, election law and public policy.